الإنجليزية English

Chapter I: General rules
Article I: Definition
1- Global Union for Creative Ideology and Literature is a non-profit cultural global organization based in its work on the upper human values involved in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
2- The union is a non-racial and non- politically consequential civil society movement, and membership is a free individual choice.
3- Intellectually and morally respect of the privacy of the cultural identity of nations and people and individuals is one of the Union’s most important milestone marks.
4- The Union works to increase understanding and respect between different human cultures, and works to support cultural cooperation as well as to enrich the different human experiences.
Article II: Title
1-Swedish : Globalt Förbund för Kreativ Ideologi och litteratur
2- English : Global Union for Creative Ideology and Literature
3- Arabic : الاتحاد العالمي للإبداع الفكري والأدبي
4 -The authorized official abbreviation is GUCIL
Article III: general objectives
1 – To improve cultural scene of human thought and literature and freeing it from the state of dependency ; stagnation and inertia to the state of development, originality and soaring up.
2 – To consolidate the concepts of human freedom, justice and right to live and express himself freely according to the rules of respect to others.
3 – To provide a correct and healthy environment for intellectual and literary creativity as to better enrich , with impartiality of purpose ,the human cultural situation with joint values and concepts, and remain faithful to the right , goodness and beauty.
4 – To build bridges of communication between different human cultures through serious and honest dialogue based on respect and understanding, and through communication, interaction and standing by the right.
5 – To set intellectual and literary direction that clearly reflects the characteristics of this era and reality without cutting roots or bombing branches.
6 – To lay features for clear critical intellectual and literary approaches, representing an orientation of a goal and a vision.
7 – To encourage communication and convergence between writers and thinkers that can contribute to the increase the bonds of friendship and understanding, and help to have joint work that would ultimately serve higher goals.
8 – To consider the Union a legal reference defending the rights of its members and reserving literary works rights and helping them publish their works in the media ; newspaper ; and the web.
9 – To pay greater attention to thinkers and writers, and get all their problems analyzed and solved .Thus, establishing the sense of the one family, and contributing to enrich the human relationship between them is taken into consideration.
10 – To remedy the genuine creators of the nation and make them better known by highlighting them through media as national statures and scientists as to definitely get even more creativity by them. .This includes opening local and global media platforms for them and documenting their roles and their creativity by all means available.
Article IV: the means and mechanisms:
1 – Shared collective work in accordance with different visions in the context of the specific approach, and ensuring the right of a member to freely express his/her opinion and vision and considering what is good.
2 – Respecting the privacy of the member, and understanding the disparities and differences as reason for enriching but not excluding.
3 – Adopting the dialogue as contact mechanism and respecting the views within the general framework.
4 – Union’s commitment to the cultural orientation in thought and literature, and not to slide to other tracks or interfere in issues that do not serve the general objectives.
5 – The Initiative for a positive impact upon the cultural situation as to achieve a more trusted and sophisticated cooperation through organizing conferences, lectures and various cultural events.
6 – active participation in activities and other cultural events in order to efficiently influence and consciously get influenced by what enriches the scene.
7 – The Union has the right to get financially supported for cognitive cultural and educational events dealt officially or personally or through participation in projects that serve the Union and achieve its objectives.
8 – Supporting the cultural scene and providing an embracing environment for innovation, especially in poor countries through the building schools, colleges and establishments or through the adoption of local unions belonging to them.
9 – Cultural activity which aims to raise awareness and stimulate a state of understanding and humanitarian mutual respect by building cultural bridges between different identities and through the creation of a situation of meaningful positive and cultural dialogue.
10 – Working in the field of cultural and cognitive publications and in the field of translation of books and publications in order to create a state of knowledge highlighting the similarities and differences between different cultural identities and enriching human experiences and strengthening their relationships as well.
11 – framing, developing and implementing various projects that their goals serve in various fields, including education, culture, printing and publishing, distributing, media in all its types, and so on.
12 – Establishing a social security fund for union members to contribute to supporting members financially in worthy humanitarian cases
13 – Holding an annual conference to honor the creators and personalities that serve the cultural and humanitarian scene as to ultimately establish an international award specialized in intellectual and literary creation.
14 – Communicating and cooperating with local and international institutions to serve the general orientation and achieve the Union’s general objectives.
15 – Reserving literary and intellectual property rights to creations and their owners through a certified record and legal cover from the Union.
Article V: legal structure
Union has an independent legal personality consisting of individuals and characters who belonged to it either from within the country or from other different countries of the world whose memberships have been officially accepted and have met the stated conditions and controls.
Article VI: Decision-making
The decision maker is the General Conference and this role ends when e the Board of Directors is elected, which then becomes the decision-maker of the Union.
Article VII: the headquarters of the Union Management
The headquarters of the Board of Directors is Sweden or any State determined by the General Conference according to of situational data.
Article VIII: the adoption of decisions and signing
He/she who adopts decisions and has the authorized signatory in the Union is the Governing Council , and the Council has the right to authorize a person , two or more people as deemed appropriate and according to the specific circumstances.
Article IX: Calendar accounts
Union supports the Gregorian calendar, and starts the annual economic duration of the union at the beginning of January to the end of December (1/1 – 31/12)
The legal period to take over the Board of Directors begins from meeting of the General Conference until the holding date of the next regular General Conference.
Article X: the interpretation of laws and regulations
The interpretation of regulations and laws in this Statute or in what would be received from developments is the authority of the Board of Directors of the Union. In case there is a difference in interpretation of some concepts , the decision is to be postponed until holding the General Conference, and during this time the Governing Council of the Union has the right to do so.
Article XI: Amendment of the Statute
To amend any article in this statute it is necessary to have a command by the General Conference, including at least three-quarters of the authorized members to vote.
Article XII: Dissolving the Union
To dissolve the union, it must be a decision by at least four-fifths of the proportion of members authorized to vote during two consecutive sessions of holding the normal and urgent General Conference ,but a whole year between them the least.
Chapter II: Membership & Accessories
Article XIII: Union membership
Everybody believing in the Union’s approach and supporting its objectives and respecting its orientation has the right to apply for a membership in the Union by providing a formal request letter . The Union’s board of directors or those authorized in this matter have the right to accept or reject the request , according to its estimation.
Article XIV: Types of memberships
• normal membership : when membership request is accepted and a member is granted membership and then he/she pays subscription fees regularly.
• active membership: when the member pays subscription fees regularly and continuously throughout two years during which he/she has shown a great interest and played a positive role in achieving the objectives of the Union.
• Non active membership : when membership request is accepted and a member is granted membership and then he/she intermittently pays subscription fees and he/she did has not shown any felt interest or positive role in achieving the objectives of the Union.
• Honorary Membership: Granted selectively by the Board of Directors of the Union to those who have contributed to supporting the Union on all levels and helped to achieve its objectives.
Article Fifteen: membership fees
Elected Board of Directors of the Union decides the annual fees for memberships. Membership fees in the branches and divisions are determined by the Board of Directors of the Union through negotiations with the board of directors of the branch or the selected partition. The membership fees are paid on time to the Union’s authorized bank account.
Article XVI: the rights and obligations of Member
• a member has the right to participate in events and activities organized for members.
• Through the General Conference, a member has the right to be provided with sufficient information about the state of the Union and its overall situation.
• a member of the Union has the right to get his published literary rights reserved and get his creativity supported by the Union by all means available
• a member has the right to express an opinion on the general approach and performance via the General Conference.
• according to specified controls ,qualified member has the right to elect the Board of Directors by voting.
• The member must abide by the Basic Law of the Union and the decisions issued by it.
• in case of dissolution of the Union , a member has not any right to claim any property or materials.
• member pays membership fees , and any other fees on certain matters a member may benefit from would be as determined by management.
Article XVII: Suspension of Membership
• A member who wants to suspend his membership in the Union has to write to management showing his/her desire to stop, and his/her legal rights would soon discontinue accordingly.
• A member who has not paid membership fees during the two fiscal years is considered as cancellation request from him/her to suspend the membership and his/her case would be dealt accordingly and then the removal of his name from the Union membership records would soon take place.
Article XVIII: Delisting membership and Accessories
• Union membership can never be delisted, except in cases of non-payment of membership fees or in his/her opponent behavior that hinders achievement of the objectives of the Union or directly damage the interests of the Union and its property.
• decision to cancel membership may be permanent or temporary specified by certain duration starting from the hour of issuing the decision.
• If it is proven by investigating the matter that delisting merits are not enough against a member , the management can only advise him/her .
• No suspension or delisting or warning decision against a member may be issued before it gives enough time to the member to explain his/her point of view and determine the circumstances under which the stated event took place ,and the duration granted should not be less than two weeks.
• Issued decision against a member ensures the merits of judgment and gives the member the right to appeal.
• The decision is delivered to the stated member within three weeks from the date of issuance of the decision via written official letter and the means available.
• Decisions on memberships issued by the Board of Directors of the Union and a member who wishes to appeal has to do so within three weeks from the date of issuance of the decision, according to the Basic Law frameworks of the Union.
Chapter III: voting and election
Article XIX: General Conference
• The General Conference of the Union is the top source of legislation and the conference is held every four calendar years in time and place determined by the Board of Directors.
• The Board of Directors has to arrange an order to call members to the General Conference three weeks before via any appropriate mechanism such as e-mail or announcing in local newspaper or at the Union website on the Internet.
• In such a call , time and place are stated, and also determined arrangement for the meeting is included, as well as an important summary of the issues raised for discussion that need to be prepared earlier by the member.
Article XX: proposals
Management as well the member can make proposals for discussion at the General Conference in order to serve the benefit of the Union. A member who would like to submit a proposal for discussion must deliver a written copy of it to management by at least four weeks before the date of holding the General Conference .And the time meeting starts , the management should have replied in written to him/her.
Article XXI: the right to vote and to propose
Right to vote and propose is only for active members. The right to vote is personal and it can never be granted by a member to any other one under any circumstances. For members who do not have the right to vote, they ,however, have the right to participate in the debate and enlightenment views.
Article XXII: Making decisions
The General Conference has the right to make decisions depending on to the number of members who have the right to vote and their attendance rates , according to general controls.
Article XXIII: the adoption of the resolution and voting
• In case the Union’s General Conference is held ,every active member has the right to one vote.
• Voting takes place in the open, in the case of election the voting can be done secretly at a justified request.
• If the decision is not resolved by vote, the Chairman of the Board has the decisive vote.
• Electing the Chairman of the Board can be done by three-fourths majority out of the overall members votes. Electing the remaining members of the Board of Directors can be done by two-thirds majority ,however.
• Vote on decisions can be by a simple majority (majority of the half).
Article XXIV: the right to run
• The right to run for membership of the Governing Council is the right of every active member having the right to vote in the Union.
• the right to run for the presidency of the Governing Council is the right of every active member having the right to vote in the Union who have completed at least five years in the Union’s membership fruitfully.
• The right to run in the first three sessions is limited to the constituent Committee members.
Article XXV: the General Conference Duties
The General Conference handles the following issues and decides in written applicable resolutions:
• Develop a specific system to the meeting both in terms of timing or content.
• selecting a President to the Conference and Secretary General.
• Selecting a determiner of the contents and an observer of the votes.
• Ensure that the general meeting has been run lawfully and appropriately.
• Announcing a List of scheduled programs for this meeting.
• Reviewing the Management’s activities in the administration period, and reviewing the Union’s budget for the previous fiscal year.
• Reviewing the level of performance during the period of administrative management.
• management accounting for performance within the period specified.
• Identify administrative implementation plan for future budgets in accordance with the proposed plans.
• Handling proposals made by the administration and members of those received in the stated legal time.
• Electing the Board of Directors of the Union in accordance with the public order.
• Any other topics.
Article XXVI: Urgent General Conference
Management can call for an urgent meeting of the General Conference. The administration is to call for a general conference if requested by an observer or a tenth of the number of members who have the right to vote. The request has to be officially submitted in written accompanying the reasons for it. When the administration receives so, it announces within two weeks from the date then the holding of the General Conference within two months from the date of the request. Invitations are to be sent a week before holding the conference by means available or by announcing in the local newspaper, and it must include a summary of important topics that would be discussed at the meeting as well as the time and place of the meeting. At the urgent meeting stated topics would be discussed and only the voting law is subject to text of twenty-third and twenty-fourth articles.
Chapter IV: Committee for the preparation of elections
Article XXVII: formation and commissioning
• Committee of preparation for the election consists of a president and elected members by the General Conference in the past.
• This committee should preferably contain a representation of both sexes and different age groups.
• The Committee has the right to choose Vice-Chairman of the Committee.
• The committee holds when its president calls or half the number of its members at least.
• The committee asks those whose administrative duration has ended whether if they wish to run for some come period, and name the candidates for the next session to be done six weeks before the General Conference ,at least.
• The Committee must tell the members who have the right to vote about its proposals and the list of candidates two weeks prior to the General Conference at least.
Chapter V: Board of Directors
Article XXVIII: formation
• Union Board of Directors consists of a chairman and several other key members from whom vice-president , a secretary, and an accountant are selected, and any other additional administrative matters.
• When a member’s unable to exercise the functions of office position, he/she is replaced by some other one from a selected list of spare members according to some stated role and order till holding the conference the year after.
• When the death of a member of management before his/her position duration ends, he/she is replaced by some other one from a selected list of spare members till holding the conference the year after.
• Management appoints an administrative member not belonging to the Union ,and he has no right to vote or stand as needed and management estimation, which is then granted administrative powers by the administration according to the situation for which he/she was appointed.
Article XXIX: Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
• When the General Conference is not in session, the Board of Directors of the Union is the supreme authority to make decisions that serve the benefit of the Union.
• The Board of Directors makes administrative activity and it implements plans under the auspices, as well as take care of the interests of the Union and its members.
• Some of responsibilities of the Board of Directors:
1. Ensures proper and full application of the laws specified in accordance with specific circumstances.
2. Implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the General Conference appropriately.
3. Conscious planning , leading the work and the distribution of leadership roles within the framework of the Union.
4. Work to preserve and protect all Union’s material and moral belongings.
5. The formation of committees that help to achieve the goals and follow up memberships and coordinate tasks.
6. Preparation for the General Conference.
• Chairman of the Board of Directors:
1. High Representative of the Union.
2.Managing the Union’s and administration’s meetings and follow-up workflow.
3. Monitoring and following up the achieving of the fundamental law of the Union and the implementation of all Union laws properly and accurately.
4. Union spokesman, and is entitled to assign his representative in this.
5. Monitor and follow up the financial situation of the Union in cooperation with the accountant.
6. Has the power to sign individually or with the participation of the accountant.
7. Give instructions to get invitations sent for management meetings.
8. When the Chairman of the Board can’t do his duties for some excuse, the Vice-President of the Council can do.
9. Distributes tasks to the members of the Board of Directors depending on understanding among them.
• Secretary of the Department:
1. Arranges meetings and sessions of the Union.
2. Reports what took place in meetings
3. Keeps the Union’s administrative belongings safe and neat , in addition to this , he/she makes historical record of the activities of the Union.
4. Follows up the implementation of decisions taken by the Board of Directors.
5. Has the authority to sign regular official documents with permission of the Chairman.
6. Writes a comprehensive annual report on the activities of management and the union.
• Accountant:
1. Responsible for collecting membership applications and submitting them for approval and making sure members pay the membership fees to the Union.
2. Makes serious measures to obtain funding from the concerned authorities when where possible
3. Responsible for providing financial statement to the official authorities.
4. responsible for the annual accounts of the Union and auditing the budget.
5. Responsible for providing a baseline assessment of the budget to the Board of Directors.
6. Responsible for paying taxes and subscriptions and the Union’s fees to the concerned authorities in time.
7. In certain cases she/she is granted authority to provide a comprehensive financial statement or private information in the context of financial trading.
8. Responsible for submitting bids for projects approved by the Union.
9. Overseeing the care of the property and taking care of the Union financial issues.
Article XXX: Invitations, decision-making, voting
• Union Board of Directors meet at the invitation of President of the Council or at the request of at least half of the members of the Council.
• The legal convening of the Council is a presence of at least half of its members. In order to make resolution legal , Chairman of the Board must vote in favor of the resolution, in addition to half of the present members.
• In case of equal number of votes, the Chairman of the Board has the decisive voice.
• vote may not be granted to others, whether bargaining or with the consent or authorization.
• In certain cases, the President of the Council can decide the vote in written or by telephone or any other means.
• In the case of the inability to resolve deciding on a decision, it could be postponed to a subsequent next meeting.
• Meeting schedule is to be set by the Chairman of the Board and some other chosen member. All opinions should be included to the report of the meeting.
Chapter VI: branches and sections
Article XXXI: the establishment or dissolution of a branch or section
• The Union as a global cultural organization is qualified to establish branches or sections in the country or in other countries of the world.
• decision to establish or dissolve a branch or department of the Union is issued by the ordinary General Conference or by urgent General Conference called for this purpose.
Article XXXII: the boards of branches and sections
• Management of each branch or department is practiced by its own board of directors consisting of the branch manager and four other members.
• Management is selected from affiliated members of the Branch who have the right to vote and the decision is served to the Board of Directors for approval.
• Board of Directors is entitled to choose a member of the Union to participate in the membership management of a branch or division.
• Board of Directors is entitled to dismiss any Union member of the boards of branches or departments when he deems it appropriate.
Article XXXIII: Structure of branches and sections:
• The branches and sections are required to follow the statute of the Union and to work within the frameworks of achieving its objectives, taking into account probable differences imposed by the local and national laws.
• The Board of Directors of the Union has the right in certain circumstances to intervene in the departments of branches or departments to achieve justice and the apply rules of rights and duties in accordance with its basic law.
Article thirty-fourth: budget and work plans for the branches and divisions
• The branches or departments make the action plan and annual draft budget of its own for a coming year.
• submit a draft work plan and the draft budget to the Board of Directors of the Union for approval on time.
• Board of Directors is entitled to reject the plan or Union budget, or both, and is entitled to the amend where necessary in line with the Union’s comprehensive management dealing frameworks and the financial situation or according to the hoped development perspective in cultural work.